Example: Dynamic runners

A common pattern in processing pipelines with Styx is dynamically choosing what runner Styx should use. This allows the same pipeline to run e.g. both on your local machine for testing as well as on your HPC cluster.

from styxdefs import set_global_runner
from styxdocker import DockerRunner
from styxsingularity import SingularityRunner

runner_type = "docker"  # You could read this from a CLI argument,
                        # config file, or check what system you are
                        # running on.

if runner_type == "docker":
    print("Using docker runner.")
    runner = DockerRunner()

elif runner_type == "singularity":
    print("Using singularity runner.")
    runner = SingularityRunner()

    print("Using local runner.")
    runner = LocalRunner()


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