Calibration display range
Calibration display range
Data scaling factor: output = input * scl_slope + scl_inter
Data scaling factor: output = input * scl_slope + scl_inter
Data type code defining data format
Free-form data description (80 chars max)
MRI slice ordering information
Array representing dimensions of a NIfTI volume.
Represents the dimensions of a NIfTI volume as an 8-element array where:
Specifies the intended meaning of the data
Name or meaning of the data (16 chars max)
Intent parameters - Used to store statistical parameters Meaning depends on intent_code
File encoding.
NIFTI format identifier. Invalid if anything other than "ni1" | "n+1" | "ni2" | "n+2"
Number of bits per voxel
Pixel dimensions:
Transform codes defining spatial orientation
Quaternion parameters for spatial transform
Transform codes defining spatial orientation
Slice timing order code
Time for 1 slice in seconds
Last slice index
First slice index
S-Form parameters for spatial transform
Time axis shift
Byte offset into the .nii file where pixel data starts
Units of pixdim[1..4] Bits 0-2: spatial units Bits 3-5: temporal units
Gets the spatial units code from the combined units value
Spatial units code extracted using SPATIAL_UNITS_MASK
Sets the spatial units while preserving temporal units
New spatial units code to set
Gets the temporal units code from the combined units value
Temporal units code extracted using TEMPORAL_UNITS_MASK
Sets the temporal units while preserving spatial units
New temporal units code to set
Gets NIFTI version from a magic string, returns NONE if invalid
Serializes the NIFTI-1 header data into a binary format. Creates a new typed array and copies all header fields according to the NIFTI-1 specification, handling endianness conversion.
Uint8Array containing the complete NIFTI-1 header (348 bytes)
parseParses a NIFTI header from a DataView based on header version information.
DataView containing the NIFTI header data
Header version and endianness information from peekVersion
Parsed NiftiHeader object
parseParses a NIFTI-1 format header from a DataView.
DataView containing the NIFTI header data
littleEndian: booleanWhether to read values as little-endian (from peekNiftiHeader)
A NiftiHeader object containing the parsed header fields for header specification
parseParses a NIFTI-2 format header from a DataView.
DataView containing the NIFTI header data
littleEndian: booleanWhether to read values as little-endian (from peekVersion)
A NiftiHeader object containing the parsed header fields for header specification
Auxiliary filename (24 chars max)